- 1/19
- 1969
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 2/9
- 2014
- 40s
- 70s
- 8/17
- afro wig
- alicia rose
- all ages
- anniversary party
- apartment
- april 5th
- art
- Aside
- authenic
- awesome
- bad movie night
- bargains
- bazaar
- bbq
- beaded
- beads
- beer
- best
- best ugly sweaters
- biba
- bikes
- biography
- bjorn borg
- black flag
- black uhuru
- block party
- blondie
- boombox
- boots
- booze
- breast cancer awareness
- brunch
- buy
- camp
- carletta sue kay
- carmen miranda
- case of bass
- cat fancy
- cheap
- christmas
- clothes
- clothing
- cocktails
- coffee
- comedy
- comic
- cool
- corin tucker
- costume
- costume ideas
- costume shop
- costume shop portland oregon
- costume shops pdx
- costumes
- craft sale
- culture
- custom
- dance
- dancehall
- danger death ray
- deadbeat at dawn
- deals
- design
- designers
- diana ross
- diana vreeland
- display
- diy
- dj
- documentary
- dolly parton
- drag
- dress
- drinks
- drwaings
- dub
- ducky simpson
- earrings
- east end
- editor
- electronic
- elvis
- ensly mogul
- esty
- etsy
- event
- events
- factory
- fall '14 runway trends
- farmer's market
- farrah fawcett
- fashion
- female trouble
- festival style
- film
- flea
- flea market
- flea markets
- floral
- folk
- foodie
- for sale
- free
- free beer
- free drinks
- free show
- free wine
- friday
- fun
- furniture
- gallery
- gift
- gift card
- gift mart
- gift sale
- gifts
- glam
- glamour
- glass
- glass tower
- gown
- greasers
- groovy
- ground control
- halloween
- halloween costume ideas
- handmade
- hannukah
- happennings
- hawaiian
- heels
- high fashion
- high school
- hip hop
- hippie
- history
- holiday
- holiday sale
- holidays
- hollywood
- hollywood babylon
- hollywood district
- home goods
- hoop
- hot
- hot mama salsa
- hungry ghost
- icon
- icons
- ideas
- Image
- iron maiden
- jamaican
- james dean
- january 19th
- jennifer kenworth
- jewelry
- jewelry & design
- jimi hendrix
- johnny cash
- johnny rotten
- juanita
- june
- junk
- kill rock stars
- kimono
- kwanzaa
- lava rock lady
- leather
- leather jackets
- lemmy
- live
- live music
- live show
- local
- local art
- local food
- locally made
- london
- makeover
- making strides
- malcolm mclaren
- mcqueen
- memorabilia
- mens clothing
- mercury
- merge records
- metal
- mexican food
- mid-century
- misfits
- mister saturday
- mister saturday and ensly mogul
- mod
- modern
- modern silhouette
- mom
- mother's day
- mother's day brunch portland
- motor bike
- motorhead
- mr. saturday
- multimedia
- music
- mykal rose
- n mississippi
- nerd core
- nerdcore
- new video
- new york
- new york dolls
- north mississippi
- nostalgia
- off!
- old skool
- old skool reggae
- online
- oregon
- organic
- outdoor
- pantages
- paris
- party
- pcx
- pdx
- pdx flea
- performance
- performance art
- perfume
- photo-booth
- photography
- pinball
- pinup
- platform
- polystyrene
- pop-up
- pop-up sale
- portland
- portland events
- portland flea
- portland shopping
- portlandia
- psychabilly
- puma jones
- pumkin
- punk
- queer
- rad
- ramones
- records
- redd kross
- reggae
- resale
- researching the blues
- retro
- richard hell
- rock
- rock n' roll
- roots
- ruby feathers
- runway
- sale
- salsa
- saturday
- seditionaries
- selection
- seventies
- sex
- sharpie
- shoe
- shoes
- shop
- shopping
- shopping guide
- show
- sixties
- sleater-kinney
- spicy
- spooky
- st. john's
- store
- stuff
- stuff to do
- style
- styling
- stylist
- summer
- sun
- sunday
- sunny
- sweaters
- t-shirt
- tacoma
- tee
- teen
- teenagers
- the mishaps
- the sex pistols
- the ugliest christmas sweaters
- things to do
- thrift
- thrift stores
- tim goodyear
- time capsule
- tonight
- trends
- tshirt
- twiggy
- ugly
- ugly christmas sweater
- ugly christmas sweater party
- ugly christmas sweaters
- ugly christmas sweaters portland
- ugly sweaters portland
- Uncategorized
- underground
- union pine
- unique
- used
- valentine's
- velvet
- velvet painting
- velvet paintings
- vhs
- video
- vintage
- vintage clothes
- vintage clothing
- vintage shopping
- vivienne westwood
- vocal
- vogue
- washington
- watercolor
- weird
- where to buy ugly christmas sweaters
- wholesale
- witch
- witch of la brea
- xmas
- xray spex
- yard sale
inspiration: vintage holiday pinups
we are getting super excited for halloween at hollywood babylon!!
here's some eye candy to get ya in the mood!

(ps, we have lots of weird stuff at the store right now to create an awesome costume or find the finishing touch) xo, HB

October 16, 2013
by 18547821