- 1/19
- 1969
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 2/9
- 2014
- 40s
- 70s
- 8/17
- afro wig
- alicia rose
- all ages
- anniversary party
- apartment
- april 5th
- art
- Aside
- authenic
- awesome
- bad movie night
- bargains
- bazaar
- bbq
- beaded
- beads
- beer
- best
- best ugly sweaters
- biba
- bikes
- biography
- bjorn borg
- black flag
- black uhuru
- block party
- blondie
- boombox
- boots
- booze
- breast cancer awareness
- brunch
- buy
- camp
- carletta sue kay
- carmen miranda
- case of bass
- cat fancy
- cheap
- christmas
- clothes
- clothing
- cocktails
- coffee
- comedy
- comic
- cool
- corin tucker
- costume
- costume ideas
- costume shop
- costume shop portland oregon
- costume shops pdx
- costumes
- craft sale
- culture
- custom
- dance
- dancehall
- danger death ray
- deadbeat at dawn
- deals
- design
- designers
- diana ross
- diana vreeland
- display
- diy
- dj
- documentary
- dolly parton
- drag
- dress
- drinks
- drwaings
- dub
- ducky simpson
- earrings
- east end
- editor
- electronic
- elvis
- ensly mogul
- esty
- etsy
- event
- events
- factory
- fall '14 runway trends
- farmer's market
- farrah fawcett
- fashion
- female trouble
- festival style
- film
- flea
- flea market
- flea markets
- floral
- folk
- foodie
- for sale
- free
- free beer
- free drinks
- free show
- free wine
- friday
- fun
- furniture
- gallery
- gift
- gift card
- gift mart
- gift sale
- gifts
- glam
- glamour
- glass
- glass tower
- gown
- greasers
- groovy
- ground control
- halloween
- halloween costume ideas
- handmade
- hannukah
- happennings
- hawaiian
- heels
- high fashion
- high school
- hip hop
- hippie
- history
- holiday
- holiday sale
- holidays
- hollywood
- hollywood babylon
- hollywood district
- home goods
- hoop
- hot
- hot mama salsa
- hungry ghost
- icon
- icons
- ideas
- Image
- iron maiden
- jamaican
- james dean
- january 19th
- jennifer kenworth
- jewelry
- jewelry & design
- jimi hendrix
- johnny cash
- johnny rotten
- juanita
- june
- junk
- kill rock stars
- kimono
- kwanzaa
- lava rock lady
- leather
- leather jackets
- lemmy
- live
- live music
- live show
- local
- local art
- local food
- locally made
- london
- makeover
- making strides
- malcolm mclaren
- mcqueen
- memorabilia
- mens clothing
- mercury
- merge records
- metal
- mexican food
- mid-century
- misfits
- mister saturday
- mister saturday and ensly mogul
- mod
- modern
- modern silhouette
- mom
- mother's day
- mother's day brunch portland
- motor bike
- motorhead
- mr. saturday
- multimedia
- music
- mykal rose
- n mississippi
- nerd core
- nerdcore
- new video
- new york
- new york dolls
- north mississippi
- nostalgia
- off!
- old skool
- old skool reggae
- online
- oregon
- organic
- outdoor
- pantages
- paris
- party
- pcx
- pdx
- pdx flea
- performance
- performance art
- perfume
- photo-booth
- photography
- pinball
- pinup
- platform
- polystyrene
- pop-up
- pop-up sale
- portland
- portland events
- portland flea
- portland shopping
- portlandia
- psychabilly
- puma jones
- pumkin
- punk
- queer
- rad
- ramones
- records
- redd kross
- reggae
- resale
- researching the blues
- retro
- richard hell
- rock
- rock n' roll
- roots
- ruby feathers
- runway
- sale
- salsa
- saturday
- seditionaries
- selection
- seventies
- sex
- sharpie
- shoe
- shoes
- shop
- shopping
- shopping guide
- show
- sixties
- sleater-kinney
- spicy
- spooky
- st. john's
- store
- stuff
- stuff to do
- style
- styling
- stylist
- summer
- sun
- sunday
- sunny
- sweaters
- t-shirt
- tacoma
- tee
- teen
- teenagers
- the mishaps
- the sex pistols
- the ugliest christmas sweaters
- things to do
- thrift
- thrift stores
- tim goodyear
- time capsule
- tonight
- trends
- tshirt
- twiggy
- ugly
- ugly christmas sweater
- ugly christmas sweater party
- ugly christmas sweaters
- ugly christmas sweaters portland
- ugly sweaters portland
- Uncategorized
- underground
- union pine
- unique
- used
- valentine's
- velvet
- velvet painting
- velvet paintings
- vhs
- video
- vintage
- vintage clothes
- vintage clothing
- vintage shopping
- vivienne westwood
- vocal
- vogue
- washington
- watercolor
- weird
- where to buy ugly christmas sweaters
- wholesale
- witch
- witch of la brea
- xmas
- xray spex
- yard sale
save the date: january 19th - hollywood babylon turns 2!

all day saturday, january 19th we'll be having an INSANE SALE party starts at 7pm...stop by and toast our 2 years in business with us! we'd love to see ya! hot mama salsa + drinks provided
January 08, 2013
by 18547821